Religion is man's idea of God's expectations of them. You live according to their rules & laws & if you do not do as they do you feel guilty & condemned.
oh, I forgot to pray today, or oh I didn't go to church , or oh I have to read 1 or 2 chapters in the Bible.
Why not just enjoy walking with God? Why not just enjoy knowing Him? Be yourself. Have a relationship with God, not a church, religion or denomination.well,yes you fellowship w. your brothers and sisters in Christ!!!BUT your relationship is with God.
Just enjoy being a Christian and stop acting the way you think a Christian should act & look........oh your hair is too short, or too long, you have to wear long dresses no slacks, no ear rings, be careful now,,,, don't laugh....don't have fun. Look like a pickle puse,and keep your place, and go to church all the time.Wrong.
A born again Bible believing Christian declares Jesus Christ , not their religion or denomination.Many think,because they go to church that makes them a Christian,wrong.........if you stand in a garage, will that make you a car?
*****Religion cannot save you.***** No Church can EVER save you,***** Only God can draw you unto His Son & His Salvation see John1:12,13 (you are not born again by the will of your flesh or your blood nor the will of a man; only by God.
if you have no abiding relationship with God & you are not living for Him, then you are serving your own self, your religion & not God.........all the religious rules & regulations.............whoa where is God in all of this?
*****Get comfortable with God,Know God, Know His Word...Enjoy God...don't just go to God when you are in trouble, we are in trouble all the time & only by God's Grace do we get & need His help all the time!!!
Eph.3:12 Christians have boldness ,freedom of speech before God AND access (the right of entering His presence)with confidence (assurance of being heard by God)by the faith of him (through relying on Christ for God to hear us.
Seek God with all of your heart soul & mind & ; you will find Him. Now; seek to walk & talk with Him.
~~~~~~~~~in This Blog I am just aquainting you with some of my expereinces with hearing God & His Help............He never leaves us.........we leave Him
#1 back as a child , standing by my house one day, I was 8 yrs old, I was talking to God & I asked Him could I see heaven. At that time it was in my spirit I saw, appeared to me as the garden of Eden.
#2 I died ,was pronounced dead on arival at the hospital.I woke up in intensive care 10 days later, Jesus brought me back; as I was waking up, He started to leave & I cried no , don't leave me.(The human brain can't recall anything in the spiritual, so if they say they died & tell you what it looked like,who they saw etc.(they lie)unless God clearly gives a revelation to it in their spirit)I have no recollection at all what it looked like there,how ever I have seen in a vision as I was taken up & did look in)but not when I died.) As He left I saw hospital curtains, My Dr. Explained to me what happened , how he just would not give up on me, because he was holding my wrist , asking God why? and he said, he felt 1 pulse & did not give up on me. Glory be to God
~~~~~~~~~~~after this, on a regular basis, when I would go to sleep at night, I always went there. This lady w. a high pitched(irritating voice) would always loudly say"What is she doing here, she's not suppose to be here, send her back .I would wake up - Mad , that she yet again sent me back !!!This went on a long time, until I started telling it.Then it never happened again.
#3 God saved my life 6X swimming , tangled up in sea weed, suddenly I was released & by His power did I make it to shore. I was too weak.
#4 A friend & me went to a Rest. There was nobody there , just the waiter & me & my friend. I went to the restroom, and as I entered in a Lady wearing a blue silky dress brushed against me, I said; well, excuse me , huh? When I came out of the rest room , I asked where had the blonde lady gone? They said, no one else was there, Just us. So, now I know; not to go there again... we left & that night the Rest . burned down.(God gives angels charge over us)
#5 Traveling to Fla, that same angel appeared up on a hill, waving what appeared as a traffic wand ( as if to motion me over)95S; I said to my step Dad & my grand son, lets rest a while & have a soda. We stayed in Burger King an hour. There had been a HUGE car pile up & many died & it was a lot of hours before the highway was opened again, we had to take another route & took a motel for the night, there was no getting back on the highway(95S that evening)we would have been in that pile up.(badly injured or dead.)
#6 Once I was witnessing online to a person who (unbeknown to me) had no intention of seeking Christ & His salvation but had an idea of converting me (away from Christ) 3X the computer shut down on me(in my soul I knew it was God, finally, w. a divine force, I was taken into the kitchen(talk about being taken out to the wood shed(kidding) God was (in the spiritual realm)bright strobing light surrounding me, He said, not to witness to him, that he hated Him & wanted to cause me harm. I said, well, can I go and tell him this & say good bye? I did, I said, God forbids that I have any more conversation with you, so this is good bye.
I never saw that screen name again.
#7 Sept of '97, we had a storm, the strobing lightening woke me up, as I went to close the window , I clearly heard God say, Tornado, immediately the lights went out; we felt our way into the living room,I tried looking out & I couldn't see the lightening was so bright & strobing , blinding. I became scared, I cried to God, Please help me find my keys, I might have to leave & I can't find them. God aloud said, "you will be ok, you will not have to leave. I said, well, where are they? I will put them in the bowl & go to sleep.By His divine force , He guided me into the kitchen , placed my hand behind the kitty litter box & unto the keys...I put them in the bowl , and we went to sleep. Found out the next day everyone had spent the night in their basements. There was a lot of damage , luckily only 2 people had died.
#8 We were planning on moving to Fla. in my sleep, an angel was squeezing my head so hard, it hurt; causing me to partly wake up, I knew to move my hand aside, as a huge black demon passed out from my body & out of the house(I knew in my spirit , I had gone to a psychic (after my son died)and that is how I became posessed by a demon spirit. they contact the dead, not God, even tho that is who they say they cantact.....and those spirits possess you, never go to psychics Read Deut.18 God forbids calling up the dead..........and the devil knows all about you & your life, your family etc. and can even immitate I was falling back to sleep,the angel kept saying over & over, don't go to Fla.(warning, I did ignore, you will see later on in my posts)
#9 I had moved into a new place, slippery floors...1st morning I slipped in the kitchen, falling backwards, my foot went under the refrigerator; ( I have a bad back, it would have been devistating had I fallen all the way down)I felt the force of (an angel) catch me & lift me back up on my feet (un hurt)
#10 Next morning, I went to put a dish in the dish washer, slipped again, 1 foot under the dishwasher door, the other behind me,I twisted forward & down,I landed in a position I know would have maybe broken some bones, & I certainly would have either not been able to get back up, or at least it would have taken me a long time getting back up.........I was lifted back up instantly.As though nothing at all had happened.(glory be to God!!)
#11 coming back from Fla. Once,on 95N, my car was over heated, needle all the way to the steering wheel, no gas pedal, no brakes. My Step Dad , grand son & myself , going 65 mph. I cried to God, please God help us, get us off the highway where we will be safe, my car is over heated , no steering,no brakes, no gas pedal. I turned into the inside lane instantly, held all the way 65 mph. and quite a ways before an exit(as you know S.C.)finally an exit, I turned off, there was a stop sign ahead & lots of fast traffic. I cried , God , look a stop sign, and speeding traffic. we came to a dead stop right at the stop sign.(the car was dead & junked)
#12 planning to move to Fla. God spoke into my spirit to read psalm 137, it is all about grief, tears, oppression etc. Well,, I told God, I trust you I know you will take care of us.I went anyway....well, we could not live where we always had before ( in Largo) nothing at all available, we ended up in an area we knew not at all, and I did grieve Largo. My Step Dad ended up in the hospital, God spoke to me one day, "Now is the time, Christopher(grandson) will be with his mother.I made immediate arrangements w. my daughter for Chris to fly up to her. This was in Aug. My Step Dad passed away in Oct.(this is why the angel repeatedly told me not to go to Florida, I ignored it & then God spoke into my spirit to read Psalm 137)see? Never ever ignore warnings from our Holy God, or one of His angels.
#13 as a child I had no up bringing at all, I was not at all taught anything, nor was I ever told , "I love you" all we knew was the razor strap, and we wore black & blue marks to school all the time. needless to say, I was doing things children just do not do........the main point here is (God actually brought me up, He taught me right from wrong)!!!that's right!!In my Spirit I knew God's correction & approval & teachings.
I always would have a warning when something was going wrong, danger was ahead etc.(glory be to God)!!!
#14 When my Grandson was up here & my step Dad had passed away, I was all alone in Fla. Just me & my dog. 100 degrees all the time. I decided to move back to NY.............God spoke to me aloud,saying,"register & insure your car down here"I said, NO, I want everything NY not anymore to do w/ Fla.(never tell God NO)
long story short, the title of the car could not be located anyplace, and my car sat for 3 months, where I had to walk & get a ride everywhere I went.
#15 I believe God brought me back up here. First off , remember my bad back...driving was difficult on my back .First off, there had been terrible fires everywhere throughout Fla. and God did tell me, the way was made clear .so I never thought about that again......I only recall 2 stops for gas,bathroom ,food & 1 stop to sleep.IT felt like I didn't make a trip at all, I was here in way less then 24 hrs. I could not believe it, nor could my children.I can't find the words to describe this, but what I am saying here , and again Glory be to God for He is an awesome God!!!
I hope my stories help you to see how great it is to walk with God in Christ Jesus by His Spirit!!!
God wants the best for us, all we have to do is want Him & love Him & surrender 100% unto God , do you know, in Christ is no sickness? and sin cannot live where Christ dwells? neither can there be death where Christ reigns.
Trust & Obey.........receive Him , surrender to Him, ask Christ in & know what Real Life is in Christ/
this BLOG is joined with another BLOG so I can just keep adding on.!!!
I love God & I love talking about Him & teaching about Him!!
If you need to talk, desire to talk , feel free to contact me
visit my main page listed are all my BLOGS in favorite sites on my page my web site (all links to my Blogs)
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